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Tangi Miller was born and raised in Miami, Florida, the eldest of six children. The children were not permitted to watch television as they grew up due to their parents' religious beliefs. Whilst at high school, Miller began acting in stage productions. She did not plan to become an actress and chose to major in marketing while attending the Alabama State University.

Miller realized she spent all of her free time acting, so after graduation she pursued that at Alabama State. Miller earned a Master of Fine Arts degree at the University of California, Irvine. She studied at the Royal National Theatre in London as well as at the Alabama Shakespeare Festival


Sarah Daye

I’m a Singer/Songwriter, Dancer, Actor, Model and Choreographer from Toronto, Canada. Grew up in the big city and studied dance since I was three which was my first passion as a child, though I sang with my father since I was able to speak. I was blessed with a great father who would sing to me and serenade my sister and I since we were kids playing guitar by our bedside, not to mention both my parents being very musical and influencing me with their great diverse record collections that open up the world of Motown, Soul, Jazz, Soft Rock and Folk to me early. We sang so many years with my father that I even grew to know how my dad sang each song and would harmonized and stylized myself around his voice. He was definitely an inspiration to me.


Wanda Marie Dauntain

I was born in New Orleans, Louisiana and raised in New York. While I was growing up, I quickly grew tired of “just hanging out”, and started spending a lot of time at home with my mother. My mom started taking me to museums; or we’d spend hours at home drawing and writing poems. My creative side and my love for reading definitely come from my mother.

While serving in the U.S. Navy for nine years, I graduated from Naval Justice School and obtained my Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice; but all the while, I continued to write. Just prior to departing from the Navy, I decided to write “Dreams or Reality” which is based on my experiences with the spiritual world which started way back when I was a little girl.

I’ve written quite a few books over the years; including children books, but decided to publish Dreams or Reality as my debut Novel because it’s based on true events and I feel a lot of people may have gone through similar experiences but are scare to talk about it.